corporate positioning for a new brand


Environments for Health Architecture


E4H, an architecture firm exclusively focused on the healthcare industry, formed through the merger of three firms – MorrisSwitzer Environments for Health, Ascension Group Architects, and daSilva Architects. E4H sought a public-relations partner who could advise on how best to present the new firm and its expanded capabilities to employees, clients, prospects and broader external audiences.


Denterlein, through an extensive messaging workshop, developed the corporate positioning that set the foundation for all communications following the merger. We then launched a campaign designed to increase awareness of the firm’s new position and expanded capabilities through media outreach, internal communications and a social media strategy.


Within three months, Denterlein secured 24 pieces of earned media coverage, for a total of nearly 5 million impressions. Denterlein also provided social media strategy, counsel and content, significantly increasing E4H’s digital audience post-merger.